Who Dat! So sorry that I haven't been posting lately, this move still has me all over the place. Here are a few things I have been working on in the meantime though! Replacing all the plants and pots that broke during the move. We had a lot of casualties and I am still upset about it, but I went a little wild replacing everything and once I found my old rock collection from my childhood it was all over: I found this awesome pot with handles, it's so easy to move it anywhere! If you look closely, you'll see an Easter egg.
I was about to order some little mushrooms for my terrariums that also broke, and then I realized I can make my own with my old favorite stuff, Fimo. I may have made too many. Here are some hidden in my new plant:
It was my sister's birthday so I used one of my package designs from my Silhouette store to put her gift in. I made her one of my bullet crystal necklaces.
This succulent garden somehow managed to survive the moving truck, AND falling off a table in a freak hail storm. I decked it out with some new plants and some quartz, tiger eyes, crystal and various fancy rocks.
And finally, I made this terrarium after the other broke. This one has a little deer! That's also a painting that I am working on in the background. I can't wait to completely unpack and decorate! Will keep ya'll posted! :)
Recently I have become obsessed with finding, refinishing and decorating wine crates. I want to hang them on the walls to create shelves, but I can't do that yet, because we are moving! So this will probably be my last post for a while, as I start to pack up my craft stuff. But here are some photos of a couple of the wine crates I managed to take pics of before packing:
I managed to collect about 11 crates, some I got for free, some I had to buy, and some had fancy lids and other unique details. I sanded all of them down, teak oiled them to make the wood stronger, stained, and then poly-d them. These I stained in a walnut finish and then I used my awesome retro stencils to decorate all the sides of the crates. Then I lined the inside with these cute papers I found.
I went a little crazy at the Paper Source store when I went to get paper for the crates. I ended up buying these little book binding kits as well to match, I think they came out adorably. This koi fish paper is so cute it makes me want to cry. It's screen printed, and when looking closely, it looks as if by hand. Photos can't even do the paper justice. I cant wait to use all of these crates for decorating. I have a whole set more that I lined with fabric, but those will have to wait. Here's hoping the move to the Big Easy is nice and easy!
I finally jumped on the terrarium bandwagon. They are so adorable and fun to make, I'm resisting the urge to make a million more. It's really difficult to even get pictures to do them justice by showing all the tiny details.
In this one I put an old antique porcelain doll they used to put in king cakes. I also added some tiny ivory elephants from my childhood and a couple birds, rocks, and air plants. I love these old Ball jars so much. In this one I put a tiny geode, crystal and dear antler tip. So cute!
If only I were a more patient person... I would do projects like these all the time, and spread them out over months. The problem is I just can't wait to see the finished product. I knew I wanted a cute bedside table to finish myself, but could never find one that I liked very much. Finally, Furniture in the Raw had a 50% sale, and I bought this: I wanted to replace the old bedside table I have had since my childhood, but at the last minute I just couldn't bring myself to throw it out, and decided to play around with re-finishing it at the same time as my new table. Here is a before when I had already started treating the top. I wish I had thought to get a picture of all the damage to the top and sides, which is part of the reason I decided to paint it. You would never know now! The top came out fabulously despite the multiple problem spots. There were so many areas of damage from years and years of never using coasters. And how's this for an Easter egg: I found this little note from my childhood. Oh the 80's and the whole "was here" trend. A young rapscallion and already graffiti-ing everything. Not to mention the horse sticker! I'm pretty sure that's vintage Lisa Frank. I love it! I can't believe I was about to throw this out. For the new side table, I knew I wanted to do something nifty using my silhouette to make a stencil. So here is what I came up with: Tra-la! Look at the cute paper liner! How cute are those knobs? For the last week Barb over at Design Sponge's tutorials have been my bible. If only I had the patience she had, maybe I could make things as amazing as her! For now, I'm pretty happy with these.
Hey everyone! Sorry it's been so long, I've got a lot of stuff in the works. Here are some new envelope designs, some of which are available in my Silhouette store! And for no reason at all, here is a photo of Brownie Bite luring me away from my work. I have got 2 pieces of furniture that I'm re-finishing, a new motion freelance project, and some necklaces to blog about too, so stay tuned!
I finally got my act together and started a project I have been planning for a long time: framed puppy silhouettes.
I have been dying to make one for Hurley for a while. But now I have even more reason to start the project, because we have a new addition to the family: Princess Brownie Bite. First I found some frames at a thrift store. It couldn't have been more perfect that they match and are actually wood! Had to gut out the cross stitching. Sorry grandma. Cleaned them up and spray painted them black. I designed the profiles for the dogs and cut them out with the silhouette. Had to use the Xacto to fine tune them, but they came out great! I did this while the frames were drying. Finally, added them to frames and done! I used the silhouette to cut out custom "mats" using flowered vellum (which I will not be using again, disaster!) They're so cute, I love them! How much better the backs of them look now, Here is Hurley's up close: and both of them again: I love thrift store projects! To make both of them cost me just around $30. Next step, mine and Eric's silhouette in bigger frames in the middle. Yay!